UEA produced a quarterly newsletter edited by a number of volunteers including Christie Walk owner/resident Joan Carlin, partner of the late activist Scott Christie, after whom Christie Walk is named.
They provided a wealth of historical news and information about ecological issues, plus news of Christie Walk from 2011 to 2013.
How it all began – Newsletter #1
By the time Newsletter #1 came out in April 1993 (then called Catalyst) thousands of volunteer hours had already gone into researching, imagining, organising, writing and sketching.
The enormous human effort in getting to that stage is clearly indicated by the long list of volunteers on page 13.
Already the Ecopolis Development Principles had been outlined. Worth reading on page 4.
April 1993 – Newsletter #1 – Outline of The Halifax Project
November 1997 – Newsletter #27 – Accreditation of Urban Ecology Australia with the Federal Government’s National Environmental Consultative Forum (NECF) as the National Special Interest Group representing Urban Environmental Issues. Updates on eco-city developments in Adelaide, Whyalla and Perth.
December 1998 – Newsletter #28 – Purchase of the 105 Sturt St site which subsequently was developed as Christie Walk. Pentroth Pty Ltd working on development plans for The Halifax Project, with Ecopolis in association with Urban Ecology Australia hired as consultant to the project.
April 1999 – Newsletter #30 – Serious disappointment at the revised plans for The Halifax Project, and a reminder that an ecocity development must be community-driven. Urban Ecology Australia and Ecopolis formally withdrew as consultants to The Halifax Project. Meanwhile design and documentation for the Christie Walk development is proceeding.
October 1999 – Newsletter #32 – A further critique of The Halifax Project. Design drawings and specifications for Stage 1 of Christie Walk about to be submitted for Building Approval. Firm commitments have been received for purchase of all Stage 1 dwellings.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the editorial team or Urban Ecology Australia Inc.