Finalist in the Leadership and Influence category, Carbon Neutral Adelaide Awards 2019
Dr Paul Downton – Architect of Christie Walk – International Winner, Tehran International Award, 6th International Research and Innovation Festival on Urban Management, 2013
Winner of National Energy Globe Award, Prague April 2009
Finalist in the UNAA World Environment Day Awards June 2009.
Finalist in the World Habitat Award 2005 (Building & Social Housing Foundation/UN-HABITAT).
Silver prize winner in the international Ryutaro Hashimoto APFED Awards for promotion and practical demonstration of socially-equitable and sustainable city living (Asia Pacific Forum for Environment and Development)
Winner of Civic Trust People’s Choice Award and Certificate of Commendation — “The jury commends Christie Walk as a working experiment in different technologies, building systems and modes of living, providing a test bed for ideas which will assist designers and developers of future housing projects.”
Christie Walk – leadership and influenceDr Paul Downton receives international award in Tehran