Christie Walk in the media
- Density by Design: Christie Walk (2017)
- Fight for your right to sunshine (PV Magazine, 7 July 2017)
- Right to light: solar access and the law (Sanctuary, winter 2017)
- Solar panels and the law: Can you stop your neighbour from blocking your sunlight? (ABC News, 18 May 2017)
- On why there’s nothing like a crisis to focus the mind (The Fifth Estate, 13 April 2017)
- New Josh Byrne show to highlight density done well (The Fifth Estate, 11 April 2017)
- Creating community through cohousing (Blueprint for Living, ABC Radio National, 14 January 2017)
- A German co-housing boost for Australia’s biggest living laboratory project (Architecture & Design, 18 November 2016)
- Adelaide’s most unusual houses (Weekend Notes, 7 November 2016)
- Getting the buzz on urban honey (InDaily, 1 February 2016)
- Eco-village planned for New Brighton (NZ) (The Press, 7 January 2016)
- Christie Walk co-housing Adelaide (Living in the Future, 5 August 2015)
- Collected ideas that bring hope for a greener, healthier world (Huffington Post, 20 April 2015)
- The city can save the planet (New Internationalist Blog, 25 February 2013)
- GoGet car sharing scheme in Adelaide CBD takes off (The Advertiser, 31 January 2013)
- Gardening Australia: Christie Walk (Gardening Australia, ABC, 10 October 2009)
- Christie Walk eco-dream an incredible journey (Lumen, 2005)

Research, reports and articles
During and since its construction Christie Walk has been the subject of many academic articles and features in the media.
- Tjandraatmadja G., Cook S., Sharma A., Chacko P., Myers B., Pezzaniti D. (2014) Water Sensitive Urban Design Impediments and Potential: Contributions to the SA Urban Water Blueprint: Post-implementation assessment and impediments to WSUD. Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series No. 14/16, Adelaide, South Australia. ISSN: 1839-2725
(Contains detailed analysis of Christie Walk) - Leonard R., Walton A., Koth B., Green M., Spinks A., Myers B., Malkin S., Mankad A., Chacko P., Sharma A., Pezzaniti D. (2014) Community Acceptance of Water Sensitive Urban Design: Six Case Studies. Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series No. 14/3, Adelaide, South Australia. ISSN: 1839-2725
(Contains detailed analysis of Christie Walk) - Christie Walk, Adelaide. Cooperative approach delivers community-focused eco-village
(Sustainability Victoria) - GP-Housing_Australia – Inner City Living by Dr Paul Downton.
- Greensmart South of the Border – By Suzanne Adams.
- SUD Reader – The Sustainable Urban Development Reader edited by Stephen Wheeler and Timothy Beatley
- Urban Revolution – by Dr Paul Downton.
- Your Home – Christie Walk apartments – principal author Stewart Martin.
- Green Infrastructure Case Study: Medium density residential development – Christie Walk (Green Adelaide)
- Lumen – The Village Green by Sue White.