The Global Ecovillage Network
GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents. GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures. GEN maintains a register of ecovillage projects around the world.
Aldinga Arts EcoVillage
An intentional community at Aldinga, 40km south of Adelaide, South Australia. It showcases the exploration of new lifestyles for a more community orientated, sustainable future. You can read a long-form interview on the genesis of Aldinga Arts EcoVillage here.
Carbon Neutral Adelaide
Carbon Neutral Adelaide is our community’s shared ambition to work together and make the City of Adelaide a carbon neutral city. To achieve our goal, as individuals and as a community we need to rapidly reduce our carbon emissions. Our achievements will build upon our international reputation as a city that is green, liveable, smart and creative.
Findhorn Ecovillage
The Findhorn Foundation is a spiritual community, ecovillage and an international centre for holistic education, helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive and sustainable future.
Global Footprint Network
Advancing the science of sustainability.
Ecocity Builders
Founded in 1992, Ecocity Builders is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reshaping cities for the long-term health of human and natural systems.
Adelaide Sustainable Building Network
Fostering connections between individuals and groups passionate about creating sustainable built environments. The ‘Green Book’ is their online free guide to organisations involved in this work.
Leave It Better
Growing gardens. Biking to work. Installing solar panels. Composting. Using bio-degradable plastic. Drinking from reusable water bottles. Picking up trash. There’s so many things- big and small- that we all do to leave it better.
Leave It Better is a video-based social network where people can share ideas on how to improve their communities and take action to green their neighborhood.
Urban Coup
Home is where the hearth is….but more than this home is where our community is, our family, friends – the networks that support and nourish us.
Urban Coup is an initiative of a group of Melbournians who share not just housing, but community.
Eco News
An excellent daily bulletin of items of current ecological interest, produced in Melbourne. Available by email upon (free) subscription.
A mobile strategic town planning and engineering consultancy.
Australian Energy Foundation
The Australian Energy Foundation (formerly Moreland Energy Foundation Limited)
is empowering communities to take action towards an equitable zero carbon society.
Bundagen Community
Bundagen Community on the mid-north coast of NSW was established in 1981 with three guiding principles: social harmony, environmental responsibility and economic independence.
Sustainable Communities SA
People tackling climate change together.
Greener Spaces Better Places
(formerly 202020 Vision) works with organisations and businesses to grow more and better green spaces in Australia’s urban areas.